RDE Infra-tech Portal is part of a 3 year project entitled “Landscape Scanning and Establishment of Research-Based Infra-tech Platform for Enhanced Management of MHWRS” conducted by DOSCST researchers.The project aims to add to data bank on resource biodiversity of the Mt. Hamiguitan Wildlife Range Sanctuary and use such information in drawing greater participation of the public in MHWRS management. This was officially recognized last April 4, 2017 through a Special order(SO 27 s.2017) issued by the DOSCST President Dr. Edito B. Sumile. The project is composed of 3 studies with its respective objectives.
Objective: To document and examine variations in spatio-temporal MHWRS wildlife diversity
Objective: To examine the effectiveness of biodiversity accounting materials and other research-based outputs as platform for MHWRS public information and education.
Objective: To establish a user-friendly and easily-accessed portal containing MHWRS research outputs for public information and education and MHWRS-based eco-tourism activities
The project is still on-going and the data provided were the once examined and identified. The team already identified more than 100 species for vertebrates, invertebrates and plants. The determination and verification of these species were based on recent field guides and validation of experts. There were at least 2 preliminaries and 1 intensive researches conducted by both faculty and students researchers of DOSCST. All research activities were conducted through Wildlife Gratuitous Permit granted by DENR.
Some of the information are readily made available in RDE Infra-Tech Portal. The portal is also a “work in progress” and it will be updated based on the data provided and the need of the different users.
Landscape Scanning and Establishment of Research-Based Infra-tech Platform for Enhanced Management of MHWRS project will not be made possible without our partners and contributors.
The project is under the DOSCST Research Development and Extension division headed by the Vice-President for RD&E Dr. Roy G. Ponce. The division is the the arm of the college that carry out research and extension activities that would help the community.The goal of the R and E Division is empowering the community through income generating activities and other opportunities that will significantly reduce at least 10% poverty incidence among the poor while maintaining the integrity of the environmenatal support system.