Hylarana grandocula
Least Concern
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anura
Family: Ranidae
Genus: Hylarana
Common Name: Big-eyed frog
Ecological Status: Philippine Endemic
About the Species:
Hylarana grandocula or the big-eyed frog is a small to medium-sized frog. It is characterized by having a narrow head, pointed snout and large eyes. The body is slender with either smooth or granular back skin. It has long legs with slightly enlarged digit tips. H. grandocula is endemic in the Philippines particularly in Basilan, Bohol, Camiguin Sur, Dinagat, Samar, and many parts of Mindanao islands. Recently, it is known to occur in the islands: Siargao and Bucas grande. Recorded from several studies, H. grandocula inhabits riparian microhabitat specifically in undisturbed and disturbed streams and rivers. In MHRWS, this species is found from lowland to montane forests. They are commonly seen in the rocks of the mountain streams.
Alcala, A., Bucol, A., Diesmos, A., & Brown, R. (2012). Vulnerability of Philippine Amphibians to Climate Change . Philippine Journal of Science., Vol. 141(1), pp. 77-78.
IUCN. (2009). IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2017 fromhttp://www.iucnredlist.org