Tremella foliaceae
Kingdom: Fungi
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Class: Tremellomycetes
Order: Tremellales
Family: Tremellaceae
Genus: Tremella
Common Name:
Ecological Status: Philippine Endemic
About the Species:
Tremella foliaceae or the Leafy Brain Fungi is a species of fungi characterized by having a gelatinous; a mass of leaf-like, flattened lobes fruiting body that are cinnamon brown to purplish brown; without a stem, but arising from a centralized mass of tissue. In dry weather, these fungi shrivel to hard blackish crusts where they are much more difficult to spot. When it rains, the fruit bodies rehydrate and turn translucent again. This is widely distributed in Britain and Ireland and is found also in other European countries from Norway right down to Portugal. This species is also recorded in most other temperate regions including North Africa, Asia, Australia and both North America and South America. In MHRWS, this species is usually seen in the dead logs in the forest.
Pat O'Reilly (2016). Fascinated by Fungi. https://www.first-nature.com/fungi/tremella-foliacea.php