• Hymenochaete rubiginosa

    Kingdom:    Fungi
    Phylum:    Basidiomycota
    Class:    Agaricomycetes
    Order:     Hymenochaetaceae
    Family:     Hymenochaetaceae
    Genus:    Hymenochaete
    Common Name:    
    Ecological Status:    Philippine Endemic

    About the Species:

    Hymenochaete rubiginosa is a species of crust fungus characterized by having a fertile membrane with fine hairs (setae) on the upper surfaces. The specific epithet rubiginosa means rusty and refers to the reddish-brown colour of the hymenial surface of this crust fungus. This species is widely distributed in Southern Britain and Ireland. In MHRWS, it is observed on decomposing logs.


    Mattheck, C., and Weber, K. (2003) Manual of Wood Decays in Trees. Arboricultural

    Association Pat O'Reilly. (2011). Fascinated by Fungi. Retrieved from https://www.first-nature.com/fungi/hymenochaete-rubiginosa.php

Species Images