• Amauroderma rude

    Kingdom:    Fungi
    Phylum:    Basidiomycota
    Class:    Agaricomycetes
    Order:     Polyporales
    Family:     Ganodermataceae
    Genus:    Amauroderma
    Common Name:    
    Ecological Status:    Philippine Endemic

    About the Species:

    Amauroderma rude is a tough woody mushroom characterized by having a fruit body caps that are typically 4-8 cm wide with alternating bands of light and dark brown rings. On the cap underside are small white to pale grey pores that initially turn red when bruised before turning black. It was studied that this species has medicinal anticancer activities. The extract has higher activity in killing cancer cells.  This species is known to exist in Eastern Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and South-eastern Queensland. In MHRWS,  it is usually observed in the leaf litter in the ground.



    Cunningham, G.H. 1965. Polyporaceae of New Zealand. Bulletin of the New Zealand

    Department of Industrial Research. 164:1-304

Species Images