• Dendrobium auriculatum

    Kingdom:    Plantae
    Phylum:    Tracheophyta
    Class:    Liliopsida
    Order:     Asparagales
    Family:     Orchidaceae
    Genus:    Dendrobium
    Common Name:    The eared Dendrobium
    Ecological Status:    Southeast Asia Endemic

    About the Species:

    Dendrobium auriculatum or the eared dendrobium is a large, warm growing epiphyte or lithophyte orchid found on the trunks and branches of trees and on rocks. It has a simple, never branching, and usually erect, smooth, greenish yellow stem. The leaves were long and flat with an alternate arrangement on the stem. This species is endemic in Southeast Asia. In MHRWS, it is found in lowland to montane forests. They are commonly observed anchored in the branches of the tree.

    References: http://www.orchidspecies.com/denpapillio.htm

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