• Parvoscincus kitangladensis

    Kingdom:    Animalia
    Phylum:    Chordata
    Class:    Reptilia
    Order:     Squamata
    Family:     Squamata
    Genus:    Parvoscincus
    Common Name:    Kitanglad mountain skink
    Ecological Status:    Philippine Endemic

    About the Species:

    Parvoscincus kitangladensis or the Kitanglad Mountain Skink has single black stripe that runs along their vertebra lined by white dots. Another set of stripes is also found on the upper portion of its flanks. This is endemic in the Philippines. In MHRWS, this species is usually observed in the low-lying vegetation near stream banks.


    Siler, C. (N.D). Parvoscincus kitangladensis. Encyclopedia of Life. Retrieved from


Species Images