• Ptenochirus jagori

    Least Concern
    Kingdom:    Animalia
    Phylum:    Chordata
    Class:    Mammalia
    Order:     Chiroptera
    Family:     Pteropodidae
    Genus:    Ptenochirus
    Common Name:    Greater musky fruit bat
    Ecological Status:    Southeast Asia Endemic

    About the Species:

    Ptenochirus jagori or the Greater Musky Fruit Bat is a megabat species with darker color, has long wings, with tail, large round eyes and is very aggressive when being touched. This species is endemic in the Philippines.  They inhabit in secondary forest but are also common in lowland agricultural areas. In MHRWS, this species is found in secodary dipterocarp to montane forests.




    Ong, P., Rosell-Ambal, G. & Tabaranza, B., Heaney, L., Pedregosa, M., Paguntalan, L.M.,Cariño, A.B., Ramayla, S., Duya, P., Warguez, D., Alcala, E., Garcia, H., Pamaong, R., Gonzalez, J.C. & Lorica, R.P. 2008. Ptenochirus jagori. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008:.T18653A8504028. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2008.RLTS.T18653A8504028.en. Downloaded on 24 July 2018.

    Ong, P., Rosell-Ambal, G., Tabaranza, B., Heaney, L., Duya, P. Gonzalez, J. C. Balete, D., Ramayla, S. (2008). Haplonycteris fischeri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008.

    Heaney, L. R., and Tabaranza, B.R., JR. (2006). A New Species of Forest Mouse, Genus Apomys (Mammalia: Rodentia: Muridae), from Camiguin Island, Philippines. Fieldiana: Zoology (New Series) 106:14–27.

Species Images